
“He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water” Isaiah 49:10

The Kyamaganda community, in Lwengo District, is located is a semi-arid area under Ankole-Masaka dry corridor. The water tables are low and changes timely. At schools in Lwengo District it is worse because students share with animals in an open dam constructed by government. We timely lament that “even if it’s dirty water, but it exists better than nothing” Children travel 3-6 kms to get access to water source, which is dirty and not fit for human consumption and during the dry season it is worse. But in rainy seasons, it is pretty and if households could have alternative means of harvesting rain water it could take the household to the next seasons and water borne diseases would reduce. However, students have no water bottles even if caretakers could boil water for drinking.